Tuesday 29 April 2008

This time next week...

Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long while, I received some news that isn't totally confirmed, but, if so, could change my whole life. My world was spinning, stomach spasming. I was losing control. What should I do? It was at that moment I made the best decision I've ever made, no I didn't score, I telephoned the girl I love. With her reassurance and guidance I regained control.

As a 'recovering addict,' I've come to realise that previously my natural reaction would have been negative. I would have seized the opportunity and used this as an excuse to have used drugs. Part coping method, part escape. I know from experience that if I had used, my situation would have got a lot worse, very quickly.

It actually turned from the worst day, to a day in which I learned an important lesson. I learnt that it isn't material things that are vitally important in my life. I am not defined by my house, my car, my job, my bank account, my clothes, they are all external, all things that can be taken away, and therefore I shall not put my treasure in them. It's whats inside that is important, vitally so. Nobody can touch that. So take away my money, my health, my job, my material world, in the big picture they are unimportant, they shall fade away in due course anyway, but my spirit shall always be joined with God's, and I will always love. In those places does my treasure Lay, and my treasure has set me free.

Who knows where I'll be this time next week, maybe good, maybe bad, it's actually irrelevant to my internal well being. That's all I need to know!

1 comment:

Jim said...
