Tuesday 8 April 2008

Conservative claptrap

In two articles highlighted today on Daily Dose, Conservative MPs are having a go at Labour's record in dealing with those with drink and drug problems. Apparently, the number of addicts claiming incapacity benefit or severe disablement allowance has doubled under Labour to more than 100,000.

“Taxpayers will be outraged that so much of their money is going to junkies and
winos who will use the money simply to fund their disgusting habits. Nobody
forced them to get hooked on drink or drugs. It’s their responsibility to get
cleaned up and off benefits.”

Tory MP David Davies, Monmouth

I used to think David Davies was alright, although that wasn't based on very much just what a friend from Monmouth had said. That has all changed. How narrow minded and bigoted can he get? It is horrifying that these are the views of a man with the power to influence the help available to those affected by addiction.
The Shadow Home secretary David Davis recently said,
“The flawed efforts to manage - not end - addiction make it part of the problem,
not the solution. We would extend abstinence-based drug rehabilitation to
addicts off all drugs for good.”
How does David Davis hope to do this with MPs such as David Davies in his party? While I agree in part with the Shadow Home secretary that trying to manage addiction just makes things worse, would I really want a political party who’s MPs spout so much derogatory nonsense in control of this nation and its NHS? No way, José! While I believe that abstinence, generally, is the correct goal to have as a recovering addict, that cannot possibly be decided by a third party. Only the addict can decide for themselves what their goals are, or should be. Our job as professionals is to support them in their decisions, utilising harm reduction methods where possible.
Substance users are already overly ostracized by society, which is detrimental to their recovery, without their MPs adding to this discrimination and further hindering their chances of long term recovery.
I’d like to know what my reader’s views are on these quotes, and the Tory party’s stance on addiction and recovery.


Anonymous said...

David Davies comments were disgusting but it doesn't surprise me coming from Conservative MPs who dont seem to have a grasp on any reality.

Great blog keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

David Davies was completely unprofessional and ignorant in the way he expressed his views. A large number of people on Incapacity Benefit with drink and drug problems, have underlying and untreated mental health issues. Mental Health provision in this country has always been completely inadequate. But why not just blame the sick, David? Oh,and while you're at it, why don't you deliberately inflame public opinion, so that the public will back you up in your filthy work? It is shameful that anyone in public office, who talks like you, is still in a job!