Thursday 10 April 2008

All you need is love

Last night I enjoyed an evening of great home cooked Chinese food, good company and conversation. It was the birthday bash of Dave's (director of Wired In) son, Sam. While outside chatting to Chris, who is also a recovering addict, a friend of many years and another of Wired In's volunteers, we realised how far we had both come in the last few years.
It was Chris that said "Isn't this great? Spending an evening in a beautiful house in the country, with our families and loved ones around us, celebrating a birthday. We wouldn't have been doing this a few years ago!" Chris had a look of pure happiness on his face, and a peacefulness about him that was so obvious it shone from him. He was bang on, life now for both of us is more than just enjoyable, it's fulfilling.
There's a lot to be said for coming through something that takes you to the brink of death, my priorities, the things I cannot live without have changed. It's not wealth, social standing or what other people think of me that's important anymore, I've realised that material goods will never make me complete. All I really need to be fulfilled in life is love, and by that I mean all types of love, God, family and Eros. Anything else that's in my life is a bonus. It's the simple pleasures in life that both Chris and I enjoy most of all, and that make our lives complete. What I like most of all about this concept is that anyone and everyone can experience it, if they want to.

1 comment:

David Clark said...

To me, last night was a special evening. I could not get over how well and fulfilled Chris looked. It was such a good feeling having you all there and knowing how much some of you had been through.
Your post brought tears to my eyes!
And Sam loved the party!!