Tuesday 9 September 2008

Nicotine free!!

Well I'm into my second day 'nicotine free' and it's a lot easier than I expected, I'm glad to say! Stopping smoking has been on my mind for some time now and the crunch point came on Sunday evening when my stockpiled tobacco had run out and I needed to buy more. Yes that's right, my decision had nothing to do with the health implications of smoking but rather the dent in my wallet.

I whacked a patch on halfway through yesterday, courtesy of my GP ( but which had sat in my kitchen drawer for over 6 months!) It made me feel a little dizzy at first but then it did it's job just fine. I might be talking a little too soon but I've not experienced any major cravings so far! Last night was the only time I found hard. I'd just had dinner and was relaxing on the sofa when the craving came, but, thankfully it didn't last long and wasn't too much to handle.

I'd always thought I could give up the fags if I'd wanted to and I'm starting to feel that I was right in thinking that! The thing is, I've never wanted to before, so I've never tried! There's been a bit of a discussion progressing on the comment board of one of the films on our You Tube channel - Wired In Recovery, on whether nicotine or heroin is harder to get off! Check it out.

At this early stage, I'd say that heroin was a lot tougher to kick!

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