Wednesday 2 July 2008

The 'Recovery Movement'

I decided to get involved with the “Recovery Movement’ as I feel the substance misuse field really needs rejuvenating. There is a lot about the field that is good but I’m afraid there is more that is both negative and non-productive. If we all speak up about this, that is addicts, recovered addicts, and all those working in the field, and say what we think about treatment services, the good, the bad and the ugly, then just maybe the policy makers will start listening and actually develop a new, recovery based treatment service that will help more people into sustained recovery from their addictions.

Those with addiction problems should be shown all the treatment/recovery options when they present asking for help, including – abstinence based, maintenance based, counselling, CBT etc, with an explanation of what all of the options entail.

The concept of a ‘Recovery Movement’ is very simple – the joining together of like-minded, ambitious people who are willing to do what they can to adapt the treatment system so it will help more people into sustained recovery. My aim is to highlight the areas, both good and bad, that need looking at with a view to improving them, so that we can maximise the good that this field does for those with substance misuse issues and also remove some of the barriers that are in the way for those seeking to change their behaviour.

There are lots of people and services around the UK that are pushing the recovery agenda on their own, cut off from others who are trying to do the same. By bringing all of these people together, we will make a stronger, louder voice, a voice that will reach Westminster with so much energy, it will demand a response!

Well, they're my thought's on the 'Recovery Movement', to see what the Prof has to say please visit 'The Prof speaks out'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Kev,
Like you I decided to get into the recovery movement when I that it was a power at the mico level of personal and local recovery members.
I studied and work in rehabilitation with alcoholics and addicts.
Keep up the good work and don't let the detractors get to you.